Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11 2009, Response Ver.

예쁘고 상냥한 칠레아가씨 Gaby.
The pretty and friendly lady from Chile: Gaby.
같이 찍은 사진과 따뜻한 이메일까지 보내준 그녀에게 감사하며 그녀의 이메일 일부를 올린다.
I want to say thank you to Gaby for the picture we took together and the heartfelt email she sent me by posting part of her email:

She said,
"I just wanted to tell you that it made me
very happy to meet you today.
That was a Positive moment of my day! :D"

Thanks Gaby!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10 2009, Brooklyn Bridge, Worldmelody Project 8th Day.

첫번째 Statement가 많은 남자들의 마음을 두근거리게 했다면

If the 1st Statement had the biggest reaction from men

두번째인 "사랑은 주는 사람에게 더욱 오래 남는다"는 여성들의 따뜻한 반응이 느껴진다.

then in the 2nd Statement, "Love lasts longer in the heart of the one who gives it,"

had the most heartfelt reaction from women.

이글을 발견하고 보는 순간 그녀들의 입가엔 웃음이 번진다.

As soon as they saw the words their mouths began to form a smile.

그녀들은 비밀을 알고 있는게 틀림없다.
They must know the secret.

Translators (in order on the board): Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Photographer: Alex
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9 2009, Grand Central Station, etc. Worldmelody Project 7th Day.

Union Square Park

Astor Place

사랑은 주는 사람의 마음속에 더욱 오래 남는다.
Love lasts longer in the heart of the one who gives it.
El amor dura más tiempo en el corazón de quien lo da.
L'amour dure plus longtemps dans le coeur de celui qui le donne.
Liebe überlebt länger im Herzen der Person, die sie gibt.

2번째 Statement를 선택한 이유는 항상 받기만 좋아했던 나를 변화시킨 말이기 때문이다.
The reason I chose this second statement was because it helped change me into a 
person who gives instead of the person who always liked to receive.
두번째 Statement의 첫날,
On the first day of the second statement,
한국여자분이 내게 다가와 발행이 중단되 생전 처음 보는 $2달러 지폐를 램프에 넣었다.
a Korean girl came to me and put in an out-of-print $2 bill that I had never seen before into the lamp.
자신에게 2개뿐이 없는 것인데 그 하나를 드리겠다면서 말이다.
She said she only had two of the $2 dollar bills, but that she would give one of them to me. 
그 말을 듣는 순간 그녀의 $2달러 지폐는 내게 이 여행을 가능하게 하는 믿음으로 변했다.
The moment I heard that, her $2 bill changed into the faith that is enabling me to go on my travels.
내 마음에 남는 감사함이 쉽게 잊혀 질것 같지 않다.
I don't think the gratitude that remains in my heart will be forgotten easily.
이보다 주는 사람의 마음이 더 오래 남는다면 사랑은 줄 만 한 것이리라.
If the heart of the giver lasts longer than that of the 
receiver, then love is definitely worth giving.

Translators (in order on the board): Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho

Monday, June 8, 2009

KOREATIMES. (June,04,2009)

길지 않았던 인터뷰여서 기자에게 전하지 못한 말이 많았다.
Because it wasn't a long interview there were a lot of things 
I wasn't able to say.

하루에 한명 긍정적인 삶의 변화가 일어나길 소망하며
임우성 혼자가 아닌 Worldmelody Project 팀의 노력이 세상을 
바꿀것임을 믿어 의심치 않는다.
I hope that even one person each day will be influenced 
positively, and I don't doubt that the Worldmelody Project Team 
(not just myself) will do their best to positively change the world!

Worldmelody Project Team:

Translators (in order on the board):
Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish),
Mahha (French), Anonymous (German),
Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 6 2009, Brooklyn Bridge, Worldmelody Project 5th Day.

Brooklyn Bridge의 뜨거운 반응으로 잊지 못할 날이 되었다.
The warm response from people at Brooklyn Bridge was really unforgettable.
사람들의 마음속에는 긍정이 숨쉬고 있다.
Positiveness is breathing inside of people,
그 녀석은 밖으로 나오고 싶어한다.
and it wants to come out.
먼저 말걸어주고 손만 내밀어주면 된다.
All of you have to do is reach in and coax it out. 

Translators (in order on the board):
Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho