and started drawing.
아름다운 Brooklyn Bridge의 풍경을 그리겠거니 하며 난
퍼포먼스를 계속했다.
I thought he was probably drawing the landscape of the
Brooklyn Bridge, and so I continued my performance.
한시간째 서있으려니 힘들어 잠시 쉬려했으나 혹시라도
그가 날 그리고 있을지 모른다는 생각에
계속 퍼포먼스를 진행했다.
I wanted to take a break because I was tired from standing
about an hour, but just in case the guy was drawing me,
I decided to continue.
그리고 얼마후 그는 내게 다가와 이 프로젝트에 대해 물어봤고
그와 얘기하며
And a little while later he came towards me and started
asking about the performance, and we talked.
그가 그린 그림속에 주인공이 나였다는 것을 알게 됐다.
Then I learned that the subject of his drawing was actually me. :)
헤롤드가 드로잉을 하게 한 이유가 무엇인지 정확히 알지 못하지만
I don't know the exact reason Harold did the drawing,
중간에 멈추지 않으니 그림속의 내가 탄생할 수 있었을것이다.
but because I didn't take a break from my performance,
I'm glad I was able to be a part of it.
Translators (in order on the board): Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho