Worldmelody Project 를 통해 2달 동안 뉴욕에서 받은 도네이션의
총 금액 $478.88.
The total donations Worldmelody Project received for the two
months in NYC was $478.88.
도네이션으로 이 프로젝트를 가능케 한 그 한사람 한사람의 따뜻한
마음은 다음 목적지인 런던으로 전해질 것입니다.
The warmth we received from each person who donated and
helped make this project a reality will spread on to our next
location, London.
어렵고 힘들수는 있지만 불가능은 없음을 알려준 NewYork을
뒤로 하며..
We know it won't be an easy trip, but because of our good
memories in New York, we know that nothing is impossible!
Looking forward to London! : )
총 금액 $478.88.
The total donations Worldmelody Project received for the two
months in NYC was $478.88.
도네이션으로 이 프로젝트를 가능케 한 그 한사람 한사람의 따뜻한
마음은 다음 목적지인 런던으로 전해질 것입니다.
The warmth we received from each person who donated and
helped make this project a reality will spread on to our next
location, London.
어렵고 힘들수는 있지만 불가능은 없음을 알려준 NewYork을
뒤로 하며..
We know it won't be an easy trip, but because of our good
memories in New York, we know that nothing is impossible!
Looking forward to London! : )