Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
June 3 2009, The Metropolitan Museum, Worldmelody Project 3rd Day.
A friend on a City Tour bike came over excited and stirred up.
I'm not good at speaking English
But, It's true. I love my job.
You remind me.
Thank you so much.
그의 눈에서 자신감과 자부심, 그리고 행복을 봤다.
In his eyes I saw confidence, pride, and happiness.
Translators (in order on the board): Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho
The Met,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
June 2 2009, Times Square Station, Worldmelody Project 2nd Day.

사진엔 나오지 않았지만
많은 아이들이 몰려와 호기심 어린 눈으로
나를 향해 물었다.
It's not in the pictures,
but many kids came to me in curiosity
and asked:
Children : Is it true?
Me : I belive it's true.
기억에선 지워져도
그 아이들의 마음에선 이 씨앗이 자라
그들과 함께 크길 진정으로 바란다.
Even if the kids forget this moment,
I really hope that the lesson that sprouted
in their hearts today may grow up with them.
Translators (in order on the board): Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho
times square,
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1, 2009 - Times Square - 1st Day
어떤 일을 하건 그 일을 사랑하지 않으면 결코 성공할 수 없다.
(David Sarnoff)
Nobody can be successful if he doesn't love his work.
Nadie puede tener éxito si no ama su trabajo.
On ne peut avoir du succés que lorsqu’on aime ce qu’on fait.
Niemand kann erfolgreich sein, wenn er seine Arbeit nicht liebt.
Nobody can be successful if he doesn't love his work.
Nadie puede tener éxito si no ama su trabajo.
On ne peut avoir du succés que lorsqu’on aime ce qu’on fait.
Niemand kann erfolgreich sein, wenn er seine Arbeit nicht liebt.
6월 1일 Worldmelody Project의 첫 시작.
June 1st: the beginning of Worldmelody Project.
이 세상에 긍정적인 변화를 가져오는 씨앗이 되고 싶은 소망으로 많은 사람들 앞에 섰습니다.
In the hopes of planting seeds of positive change in the world,
I've come in front of many people.
세상을 살다보면 누군가의 말 한마디 때문에 문득 행복을 느끼고
누군가의 한마디 때문에 인생이 바뀔수 도 있다는 생각을 합니다.
As we live in this world,
one statement from someone can bring us happiness,
or one statement can even help us believe that the world can change.
그래서 이 프로젝트에 책임감을 느끼게 됩니다.
That is why I feel responsibility for this project.
한 시간도 채 안되는 시간을 서있었지만 많은 사람들의 입가에
미소를 보았고 어떤 사람들은 이 한마디 앞에서 가던길을 멈춰 섰습니다.
I didn't stand for even one hour, but I saw numerous smiles
and people that stopped in their tracks in front of these statements.
그리고 사진을 찍으며 한동안 생각을 했습니다.
People also took pictures and stood thinking awhile.
세상이 날 바꿀지 내가 세상을 바꿀지
I wonder if the world will change me, or if I will change the world
결과는 나의 믿음에 달려있다는 것에 걸어보겠습니다.
I will gamble that the outcome of this project will depend on my faith in bringing this change.
Positive Change!
Translators (in order on the board): Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish), Mahha (French), Anonymous (German), Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho
times square,
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