길지 않았던 인터뷰여서 기자에게 전하지 못한 말이 많았다.
Because it wasn't a long interview there were a lot of things
I wasn't able to say.
하루에 한명 긍정적인 삶의 변화가 일어나길 소망하며
임우성 혼자가 아닌 Worldmelody Project 팀의 노력이 세상을
바꿀것임을 믿어 의심치 않는다.
I hope that even one person each day will be influenced
positively, and I don't doubt that the Worldmelody Project Team
(not just myself) will do their best to positively change the world!
Worldmelody Project Team:
Translators (in order on the board):
Aiden (Korean), Annie (English), Rachell (Spanish),
Mahha (French), Anonymous (German),
Lae & Brian (Japanese), Hulk (Chinese)
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho
Contact Manager: James Yoon
Creative Directors: Aiden Lim, Annie Cho
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