Monday, September 21, 2009

Merci Paris!! (1)

프랑스 Modern Art를 대표하는 Centre Georges Pompidou.
This is the Georges Pompidou Center, the museum of
Modern art.

A cool lamp in the Museum Shop. I want to
make one myself. :)

Centre Georges Pompidou Shop에서 가장 내 눈길을 사로잡은 책!
The book that caught my eye the most in the Pompidou Centre Shop!

Feminism을 주제로 한 여성작가들의 전시.
뉴욕 메트로폴리탄 뮤지엄이 소장한 작품들중 오직 3%만이 여성작가라는점을
재미있는 visual과 fact로 재치있게 어필한 아이디어가 좋았다.
This is an exhibition by the Guerrilla Girls, a group of
Feminist, female artists
highlighting the lack of female
representation in the art world today.
The top work says that in the NY Metropolitan Museum of
Art, less than 3% of the artists are female, but 83% of the
nudes are paintings of females. Quite an irony, no?

조명을 통해 바닥에 새로운 작품을 탄생시킨 작가의
재기발랄한 아이디어.
An innovative way of using light to create new
art on the ground surface.

미술의 인식과 역사를 바꿔 놓은 Duchamp의 샘(Fountain).
This is Duchamp's "Fountain," which changed the history
of art, and what we consider art to be.

Marcel Duchamp "Bicycle"
내가 생각하는 최고의 Artist.
In my opinion the best Artist.

왜 자전거 바퀴는 자전거에만 있어야하죠?
Why do bicycle wheels only have to be on bicycles? :)

시각장애인을 위한 만질수 있는 그림.
이것이 세상을 밝게하는 아이디어가 아닌가.
These are tactile renditions of famous artworks in order
that the blind may be able to "see" the works and read
about them. I think this is a really great idea that
makes the world brighter.

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