We would like to dedicate this post to all the dedicated
team members of Worldmelody Project! You help keep us
truckin'! God bless and keep you safe around the world!
In alphabetical order:
Name: Aiden Lim
Where are you from? South Korea
Role in Worldmelody Project: Founder, Creative Director, Korean Translator, Web Manager (I am the Founder and Creative Director of WM Project. I am currently on a mission to bring positive change to the world during my 2-yr world tour as I present positive statements wherever I go. I am a dreamer and an optimist, working to build a team of like-minded people. I also come up with many of the Statements, translate all material into Korean, and manage our Blog and Facebook Page).
Name: Annie Cho
Where are you from? Cali/NYC
Role in Worldmelody Project: Co-Creative Director, English Translator, Web Manager.. I’m the perfectionist with all the details! I am the creative, artistic director and I translate/and or write all materials in English, including the statements, any and all correspondence, web material, editing. Lastly, I help manage and update our blog and Facebook page).
Name: Brian Goo
Where are you from? Toronto/NY
Role in Worldmelody Project: Japanese Translator (I translate all material into Japanese. This includes our positive statements, blog and fanpage material).
Name: Francesco Gastaldon
Where are you from? Italy
Role in Worldmelody Project: Italian Translator (I translate all material into Italian. This includes our positive statements, blog and fanpage material).
Name: Hulk Li
Where are you from? Shanghai, China
Role in Worldmelody Project: Chinese Translator (I translate all material into Chinese. This includes our positive statements, blog and fanpage material).
Name: James Yoon
Where are you from? South Korea
Role in Worldmelody Project: Contact Manager (I help with the building of our team by finding people, making connections and allowing the team to grow. I’m also Aiden Lim’s friend since high school, so I’ve been a fan from the start!).
Name: Lae Un Kim
Where are you from? Berkeley, California
Role in Worldmelody Project: Japanese Translator (I translate all material into Japanese. This includes our positive statements, blog and fanpage material).
Name: Maha Bamaarouf
Where are you from? Morocco, Rabat city
Role in Worldmelody Project: French Translator (I translate all material into French. This includes our positive statements, blog and fanpage material).
Name: Rachell Calhoun
Where are you from? USA
Role in Worldmelody Project: Spanish Translator (I translate all material into Spanish. This includes our positive statements, blog and fanpage material).
Thanks all! <3
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