Monday, July 20, 2009

Jessica Man writes post on Worldmelody Project, July 20, 2009

I met Jessica on the Brooklyn Bridge last Friday (7/17),
and she has graciously written a post on her blogspot about
Worldmelody Project! Please check it out, and peruse her blog.

"Thoughts To Be Defined"


  1. Hi worldmelody project! I am Melanie- I came across Aiden today in Washington Square Park, and I am struck by how similar this project is to my own project, The Other Side. Please check out my blog (I wrote it down on a post-it for you today) and let's link up! Perhaps we can combine forces somewhere in the world?

  2. i will purse that blog as well as this one.

  3. thanks louie for checking the blogs out!
    hope you enjoy them :)
